- To provide a forum to intensify the dialogue between engine users and manufacturers.
Who we are
We have 25 members in the following countries: Germany, France, Denmark, Norway, UK, Holland, Singapore, Korea and Japan.
What we do
- We record engine abnormalities in an incognito database and engine maintenance costs in another private database.
- At our meetings about every six months, we discuss members’ latest engine problems and see if we can solve them around the table.
- We also operate an early warning e-mail system that is open to all members at anytime.
Our current projects and activities
- Developments for IMO TIER I retrofit, plus TIER II + III practical acceptance.
- LNG and dual-fuel engine operation.
- Common Rail Technology Improvements.
- Exhaust gas treatment and recirculation systems, waste heat recovery turbo generators.
- Comments on EEDI, SEEMP and efficiency introduction to the shipping industries.
- Evaluation of criteria for crew education and crew training improvements to manage all these new techniques.
Meeting activities
- Regular meetings are held at about every six months and usually hosted by one of our members, but occasionally we arrange a meeting with an engine builder / designer to discuss operating problems not solved by the service department.
- Occasionally, an ad hoc meeting is held in conjunction with an exhibition or CIMAC Circle meeting.